Detailed schedule (Fall 2023)
Week 1: Warmup (bubble sort, insertion sort, selection sort) and analysis.
August 30-September 1
- Review searching (linear search, binary search) and simple sorting (bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort) and their analysis
- Basics of algorithm analysis, big-Oh notation, best-case and worst-case analysis
- Notes: LN-warmup.pdf
- Lab: Lab 1, python-warmup.ipynb, python-insertionSort.ipynb
Week 2: Asymptotic Notation and Summations
September 4-8
- Relevance of analysis in practice, as well as its assumptions and limitations
- Definitions of O(), Ω(), Θ()
- Rate of growth of common functions
- Finding the rate of growth of a function
- Comparing the order of growth of two arbitrary functions f(n), g(n)
- Analyzing basic algorithm running times using O(), Ω(), Θ()
- Arithmetic and geometric summations and their Θ() bound
- Recognizing arithmetic and geometric summations in different forms and give Θ() bounds
- Notes: LN-asymptoticNotation.pdf, LN-summations.pdf, quiz2-practice.pdf
- Lab: Lab2
Week 3: Mergesort and Recurrences
September 11-15
- Mergesort: how it works, why it works, and its running time analysis
- Express the running time of recursive algorithms using recurrences
- Solve recurrences by repeated iteration
- Recognize broadly classes of recurrences ( logarithmic, linear, Θ(n lg n), exponential)
- Notes: LN-recurrences.pdf, quiz3-practice.pdf
- Lab: Lab3
Week 4: Quicksort and Heapsort
September 18-22
- Lomuto partition, Quicksort, Randomized-Quicksort and analysis
- Min/max-binary heap and operations (deleteMin/Max, insert, heapify, buildheap) along with analysis
- Heapsort works in place
- Using the heap as a tool to solve new problems
- Notes: LN-heapsort.pdf, LN-quicksort.pdf, slides-heaps.pdf ; slides-quicksort.pdf
- Lab: Lab4
Week 5: Sorting lower bound. Sorting without comparisons.
September 25-29
- Can a sorting algorithm do better than Θ(n lg n) in the worst-case? Understand the comparison-based sorting lower bound, when it applies and what assumptions it makes
- Non-comparison sorting: Understand BucketSort and CountingSort, their analysis and assumptions
- Notes: LN-linsort.pdf
- Lab: Lab5, python-mergeSort.ipynb, python-quickSort.ipynb
Week 6: Exam 1 review and exam 1. Selection.
October 2-6
- The selection problem
- Quick-Select in expected O(n) time
- An elegant and ingenious algorithm for selection that runs in O(n) worst-case.
- Notes: LN-selection.pdf
- Lab: Lab6
- Exam1 in class
What do you do when you want to solve a problem and you don’t know where to start? Although there are no recipes, there are some techniques that come up frequently.
Week 7: Divide-and-conquer
October 11-13 (half week)
- The divide-and-conquer technique
- Karatsuba’s integer multiplication algorithm
- Strassen’s matrix multiplication
- Using D&C to solve new problems
- Notes: LN-divideAndConquer.pdf
- Lab: Lab7
Week 8, 9: Dynamic Programming
October 16-27
- The dynamic programming technique
- Examples: Fibonacci, board game, rod cutting and knapsack
- Justification of correctness via optimal substructure, and analysis
- Using DP to solve new problems
- Lecture notes: LN-dynprog.pdf, LN-rod.pdf, rod-summary.pdf, LN-knapsack.pdf, knapsack-summary.pdf
- In class problems: P1, P2
- Lab: Lab8 , Fibonacci.ipynb, Lab9, rodcutting.ipynb
Week 10:The Greedy technique.
October 30-November 3
- The greedy technique via the activity selection, including the correctness justification
- Using the greedy technique to solve new problems
- Lecture notes: LN-greedy.pdf
- Lab: Lab10
- Optional resources: The LCS problem: LN-lcs.pdf, lcs.ipynb, summary-lcs.pdf
Week 11: Review and exam 2
November 6, 10
Resources: exam2-review
- Friday Nov 10: Exam 2 in class
Week 11.5, 12, 13.5: Graphs Basics. BFS and DFS and their applications. Topological order. Dynamic programming on DAGs.
Nov 9, 14, 16, 17, 21
- Graph representation: adjacency list and adjacency matrix
- Basic concepts: sparse, complete, dense, trees, paths, connectivity, connected components, reachability, strongly connected components
- Breadth-first and depth-first traversals, their complexity, and their properties
- Topological order and two algorithms for computing a topological order
- Dynamic programming on DAGs
- Lecture notes: LN-graphBasics.pdf, LN-bfsdfs.pdf, LN-topsort.pdf
- Lab: Lab11, Lab12
Nov 22-26: Thanksgiving break!
Week 14: Shortest paths on DAGs, Dijkstra and Bellman-Ford.
November 27 - December 1
We discuss shortest paths on graphs and see some of the nicest algorithms in computer science: Dijkstra’s and Bellman-Ford’s algorithms. While describing them we try to understand some common principles that guided their design. We’ll see that Bellman-Ford’s algorithm uses dynamic programming and Dijkstra’s is a greedy algorithm, making these nice applications of the techniques we studied earlier in the semester.
- Shortest paths (SP) on DAgs via dynamic programming
- Dijkstra’s SP algorithm on graphs without negative weights
- Bellman Ford’s SP algorithm on general graphs
- Correctness and analysis
- Finding negative cycles
- Lecture notes: * Lecture notes: LN-shpaths.pdf
- Lab: Lab13
Week 15: The Minimum Spanning Tree (MST)
December 4-8
Another fundamental problem on graphs is computing a MST. We discuss some properties of MSTs which will get us intuition for how to compute an MST efficiently. We’ll glance at two well-known algorithms, Prim’s and Kruskal’s, which are both greedy algorithms much in the spirit of Dijkstra. Their correctness follows from a neat result called The Cut Theorem.
- MST (minimum spaninng tree) and properties
- Kruskal’s and Prim’s algorithms, and the Cut Theorem which captures their correctness
- Lecture notes: LN-mst.pdf, LN-mst-summary.pdf
- Lab: Lab14
- Also, A quick review and some extra fun problems! LN-review.pdf